I'm getting crazy with SSL certificates. After trying from lots of different providers I finally got one using SSL for free.
But there's one thing that I haven't understood yet.
Do I have to upload my certificate on my Domain provider (such as Register.it) or on my Host service (such as 000webhost or InfinityFree)?
The problem is that 000webhost offers a better service but not the possibility to upload an SSL certificate on a free plan, while InfinityFree (which offers a worse service) does.
I have the possibility to upload my certificate on the Domain provider (Register.it), but I can't understand if it works or it is overridden by InfinityFree one, and I have difficulties in trying switching from Host to Host because of the really slow DNS propagation.
Sorry if I made confusion, but it was to explain better my situation... My question remains one: Do I have to upload my certificate on my Domain provider or on my Host service?
You need to upload ssl certificate to your hosting. SSL for free is a Let's Encrypt certificate.
You can check which provider ssl running on your domain.
Step: Tab your browser green lock icon then details