I apologize if this is a duplicate but I have not found a good answer yet. I have a text file that contains three paths, each as a new line:
I want to assign these paths to three variables. When I read in the text file and assign these three paths to three variables, the first variable gets correctly assigned to path1 but not the second/third, and the first variable gets re-assigned to the path2. Both second/third variables are always empty (possibly line breaks?)
while read -r a b c; do
echo first_path is $a
echo second_path is $b
echo third_path is $c
done < ./ready.txt
the output is
first_path is path1
second_path is
third_path is
first_path is path2
second_path is
third_path is
It must be a simple mistake. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
Each call to read
reads a single line. What you want to iterate over is the names of the variables.
for name in first_path second_path third_path; do
read -r "$name"
echo "$name is ${!name}"