My SQL table:
message_id varchar(40) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
channel_id integer NOT NULL,
user_id integer NOT NULL,
I have a set of tuple, the first item is a user_id field and the second is a channel_id field. Example of set:
user_channel_set = {(156, 23), (235, 15), (156, 15)}
I would like to know if there is a way to do this but with only one query.
for t in user_channel_set: == t[0]) & (Message.channel_id == t[1]))
Nice question. You can try using a VALUES statement and a common-table expression.
val_list = ValuesList(list(user_channel_set)).cte('vals', columns=['uid', 'cid'])
query = (Message
.join(val_list, on=(
(Message.user_id == val_list.c.uid) &
(Message.channel_id == val_list.c.cid)))