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How to setup pip to download from mirror repository by default?

I am forced to download python packages from local mirror PyPi repository. I do this by using the -i and --trusted-host options. Whole installation command looks like this:

pip install -i --trusted-host package_name

Having to type in that options each time is kinda annoying though (in reality those are long URL's). I've tried to create get_package.bat file (I'm working on Windows 10) with following content:

pip install -i --trusted-host "%1"

It works perfectly fine, although when I wanted to execute pip search command, it turned out to be useless since it has hard-coded install command and there is no way to use it with search.

Is there any way in which I can setup pip to download from mirror repository by default, so that I can execute pip install package_name or pip search package_name without any additional options?

Eventually I could try making .bat file that would take 2 parameters like this:

pip %1 -i --trusted-host "%2"

But I wonder if there's more "elegant" way to do this.


  • using pip config, on user or global level. I have /etc/pip.conf configured like this:


    but you can configure this using pip config on user or global level, something like:

    pip config --user set global.index https://my-company/nexus/repository/pypi-group/pypi
    pip config --user set global.index-url https://my-company/nexus/repository/pypi-group/simple
    pip config --user set global.trusted-host my-company
