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How can I make an sql query that subtracts times from different rows?

I have the following dataset showing the status of certain tools.

id || Toolid || time       || message    || timeToComplete
1  ||   1    || 1578294000 || running    || 153
2  ||   1    || 1578294153 || assistance || null
3  ||   1    || 1578294204 || done       || null
4  ||   1    || 1578294264 || running    || 208
5  ||   1    || 1578294472 || assistance || null
6  ||   1    || 1578294524 || done       || null
7  ||   2    || 1578294584 || running    || 127
8  ||   2    || 1578294711 || assistance || null
9  ||   2    || 1578294772 || done       || null

I need this dataset to calculate the response time, but I can't find a query that succesfully substracts the rows of message=done minus message=assistance.

The output needs to look like this:

Toolid || time       || timeToComplete || responseTime
1      || 1578294000 || 153            || 51
1      || 1578294264 || 208            || 52
2      || 1578294584 || 127            || 61

Another challenge is that the assistance-message and done-message aren't always exactly 1 apart. They do always arrive in the same order from the tools (running-assistance-done).

Can someone help me with the necessary query?


  • I think you want conditional aggregation -- but you need a grouping. You can calculate this by adding up the number of "running" messages for each row:

    select toolid,
           min(case when message = 'running' then time end) as time,
           min(timeToComplete) as timeToComplete,
           (min(case when message = 'done' then time end) -
            min(case when message = 'assistance' then time end)
           ) as responseTime
    from (select t.*,
                 sum(case when message = 'running' then 1 else 0 end) over (partition by toolid order by id) as grp
          from t
         ) t
    group by toolid, grp;