I am trying to request information from a server with Python. The API key is correct however I still get the 403 error. It works with curl, but not with Python.
Here is the curl code that outputs JSON:
curl -H "apiKey: xxx" https://kretaglobalmobileapi.ekreta.hu/api/v1/Institute/3928
And here is my code that outputs Forbidden error:
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
import json
ker = Request('https://kretaglobalmobileapi.ekreta.hu/api/v1/Institute/3928')
ker.add_header('apiKey', 'xxxx')
content = json.loads(urlopen(ker))
What is the problem?
urlopen usually returns a HTTPResponse object. So in order to read the contents use the read() function. Other wise your code looks fine.
req = Request('https://kretaglobalmobileapi.ekreta.hu/api/v1/Institute/3928')
req.add_header('apikey', 'xxx')
content = urlopen(req).read()
You can also use another library for instance requests if the above method dosent work,
r = requests.get('<MY_URI>', headers={'apikey': 'xxx'})