I've ran into an issue with Docker Desktop, currently im running the edge version as a user on Stackoverflow. Before I got the drive not shared for unknown reason error which was "solved" by installing edge version: Docker for Windows: Drive sharing failed for an unknown reason
Now that this was installed im getting this new error which prevents some containers from being built. These containers have all been tested and works on several other systems. Currently 3 out of 4 containers are not built and they all produce the same error as below:
ERROR: for db Cannot create container for service db: status code not OK but 500: {"Message":"Unhandled exception: Filesharing has been cancelled"}
Encountered errors while bringing up the project.
full error:
Creating imt2291-part2_www_1 ...
Creating imt2291-part2_phpmyadmin_1 ... done
Creating imt2291-part2_db_1 ...
Creating imt2291-part2_test_1 ... error
Creating imt2291-part2_www_1 ... error
ERROR: for imt2291-part2_test_1 Cannot create container for service test: status code not OK but 500: {"Message":"Unhandled exception: Filesharing has been cancelled"}
ERROR: for imt2291-part2_www_1 Cannot create container for service www: status Creating imt2291-part2_db_1 ... error
ERROR: for imt2291-part2_db_1 Cannot create container for service db: status code not OK but 500: {"Message":"Unhandled exception: Filesharing has been cancelled"}
ERROR: for test Cannot create container for service test: status code not OK but 500: {"Message":"Unhandled exception: Filesharing has been cancelled"}
ERROR: for www Cannot create container for service www: status code not OK but 500: {"Message":"Unhandled exception: Filesharing has been cancelled"}
ERROR: for db Cannot create container for service db: status code not OK but 500: {"Message":"Unhandled exception: Filesharing has been cancelled"}
Encountered errors while bringing up the project.
Has anyone encountered this issue before and found a fix?
You need to update File Sharing configuration in your Docker for Windows app (there is a new security hardening in which has agressive defaults). Add all folders you need and then restart Docker for Windows.