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"Sign in with Apple" WebBridge implementation with Gigya Android Sdk

After implementing "Sign in with Apple" successfully for iOS & web, I tried the out-of-the-box Android implementation with Gigya Android SDK v4 (using the WebBridge implementation)

It's working fine, but the flow has a very poor UX: when tapping the Apple button in the Webview, the user is redirected outside of my app, in the main browser.

=> How could I keep the user inside my WebView during the whole "Sign in with Apple" flow?


  • The Android SDK v4 will always direct you to your browser when using Social SDKs (except Facebook, Google, Line, WeChat as they have their own implementation guide). There is currently no way around it. The only way to kind of go around it is to handle the Apple sign in yourself (inside your app code) and then use the "accounts.notifySocialLogin" endpoint to continue your login flow.