I'm calculate the difference in seconds of two consecutive row with the following code
# Import data
disease_df <- measles_hagelloch_1861[, 3, drop = FALSE]
# Generate a random time for each day
disease_df$time <- sample(1:86400, nrow(disease_df), replace = TRUE)
disease_df$time <- hms::as.hms(disease_df$time)
# Combine date and time
disease_df$time1 <- with(disease_df, ymd(date_of_prodrome) + hms(time))
# Sort data
disease_df <- disease_df[order(disease_df$time1), ]
# Difference in days of two consecutive row
disease_df$diff <- as.numeric(difftime(disease_df$date_of_prodrome,
dplyr::lag(disease_df$date_of_prodrome, 1), units = 'days'))
# Difference in seconds of two consecutive row
disease_df$diff1 <- as.numeric(difftime(disease_df$time1,
dplyr::lag(disease_df$time1, 1), units = 'secs'))
Here is the resulted dataframe
and error message longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
Could you please explain why difftime
works fine for days but results in error for seconds? Thank you so much!
column is of type "POSIXlt"
. I am not really sure why difftime
with units = 'secs'
doesn't work but if you convert it to POSIXct
, it works without any error.
disease_df$time1 <- as.POSIXct(disease_df$time1)
disease_df$diff1 <- as.numeric(difftime(disease_df$time1,
dplyr::lag(disease_df$time1, 1), units = 'secs'))