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How to initialize a variable with a tidyselect helper?

I'm using tidyselection in some function, and I have to concatenate the first argument with the ellipsis as it could be a specific class that would need a specific treatment.

The normal behavior is this:

foo = function(x, ...){
    xloc = eval_select(expr(c(x, ...)), data = iris)

I want to have everything() as the default value when x is NULL (I cannot put it directly in the header for some reason).

Unfortunately, this syntax is not allowed:

bar = function(x, ...){
        x=everything() #throws an error
    xloc = eval_select(expr(c(x, ...)), data = iris)
# Error: `everything()` must be used within a *selecting* function.
# i See <>.

I tried to wrap everything() with all "mystic" functions I know: parse, deparse, call, substitute, quo, sym, enquo, ensym, ... Nothing worked (you can see here that I don't master these very well).

With what expression can I replace my x=everything() line in my second code chunk for this function to work?


  • tidyselect version 1.0.0
  • rlang version 0.4.5
  • dplyr version 0.8.5


  • First you need to pass x via {{, otherwise the argument can't be inspected by tidyselect, and some features won't work properly. Then you can give it a default of everything():

    foo <- function(x = everything(), ...) {
      eval_select(expr(c({{ x }}, ...)), data = iris)
    #> Sepal.Length  Sepal.Width Petal.Length  Petal.Width      Species
    #>            1            2            3            4            5
    #> Sepal.Length  Sepal.Width Petal.Length  Petal.Width      Species
    #>            1            2            3            4            5

    If you can' use default arguments for some reason, defuse everything() manually then force it with !!:

    foo <- function(x = NULL, ...) {
      x <- enquo(x)
      if (quo_is_null(x)) {
        x <- expr(everything())
      eval_select(expr(c(!!x, ...)), data = iris)