I was wondering if it's possible to guard a method in an Angular app instead of a route. Let's say you have a button, if you click it and are not logged in, you would be redirected to the login page.
There are no such guards for methods. Instead, the most possible solution for you is to create a conditional check in the method you would like to protect.
For example, if the method that needs to be protected is checkoutCart() and you have a service in your angular application that informs you if the user is logged in or not. Then this is what you can do inside your checkoutCart() method:
checkoutCart() {
if ( !this._authenticationService.isLoggedIn ) {
this.router.navigate(['/', 'login']).then(nav => {
console.log(nav); // true if navigation is successful
}, err => {
console.log(err) // when there's an error
To learn how the router works you can take reference from: https://alligator.io/angular/navigation-routerlink-navigate-navigatebyurl/