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How does Holoviews know which colours to assign to each scatterplot in an overlay?

In the bokeh Holoviews gallery, there is an example called 'Scatter economic'.

In this plot, notice how one of the options for Scatter is (color=Cycle('Category20')). The last line of the plot is gdp_unem_scatter.overlay('Country').

  • My question is: How does Holoviews know to connect each Scatter to a particular color in Cycle('Category20')? Is this just a property of Cycle()? Is there some way that the Overlay interacts with the Scatter and with the Cycle automatically?
  • A slightly related confusion is that if I use the .opts method instead of the cell magic as in the example, it still works. For example, if I use the .opts method with this cycle color on the Scatter (i.e., second to the last line in the above example), and then do an .overlay('Country'), somehow Holoviews knows to assign each Scatter to a particular color based on the Country.

I want to make sure that I am properly plotting what I intend to.

Thank you!


  • It is now possible to map categories in an NdOverlay (as is used in the example above) by using a so called dim expression and then define an expression to do the mapping:

    dim_expr = hv.dim('category').categorize({'A': 'red', 'B': 'green', 'C': 'blue'})
    overlay = hv.NdOverlay({chr(65+i): hv.Scatter(np.random.rand(10, 2)) for i in range(3)}, 'category')

    enter image description here

    In this example we created a dim expression which points to the 'category' dimension and then maps each category ('A', 'B' and 'C') to a color ('red', 'green', 'blue'). We then just assign that to the color option.