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How to read and write .img files using FileStream in c#?

I am trying to read an image file and write it into a new file. But the written image file is not a supported file. please tell me about what is the proper way to read/write image files. Help me!!

Here is my full code. And I did not get any error.

using System;
using System.IO;

namespace readfile
    class Program
        static int totalbyte = 0;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string path = "C:/Users/Nitesh Rathi/Downloads/"; // file's path.
            string filename = "IMG_20200317_150302.jpg"; // file's name.
            string fullpath = path + filename;



        static void readfile(string path)
            FileStream stm = File.Open(path, FileMode.Open); // open a file using filestream.
            int size = (int)stm.Length; // size of the file.
            byte[] data = new byte[stm.Length]; // file buffer.

            while (size > 0) // loop until file' size is not 0.
                int read = stm.ReadByte(); // reading file's data.
                size -= read;
                totalbyte += read;
        static void writefile(string filename)
            FileStream stm = File.Create(filename); // create a new file.
            byte[] data = new byte[totalbyte]; // file's data.

            Console.WriteLine("Writing data into file...");

            stm.Write(data, 0, data.Length); // writing data into created file.

            Console.WriteLine("data has been wrote into file.");

I also used FileStream.Read() method. But it is also not working for me.


  • I figured out what was the problem in my code and I fixed my code.

    See my fixed code. See what changes I have done.

        Public static byte[] data; // this variable will be store file's content.
        static void readfile(string path)
            FileStream stm = File.Open(path, FileMode.Open); // open a file using filestream.
            int size = (int)stm.Length; // size of the file.
            data = new byte[size];
            while (size > 0) // loop until file' size is not 0.
                int read =, totalbyte, size); // reading file's data.
                size -= read;
                totalbyte += read;
        static void writefile(string filename)
            FileStream stm = File.Create(filename); // create a new file.
            byte[] bytes = data;
            Console.WriteLine("Writing data into file...");
            stm.Write(data, 0, data.Length); // writing data into created file.
            Console.WriteLine("data has been wrote into file.");