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How to automatically update dropdown in a Google Form based on range in Google Sheets?

I have a google form with a dropdown (see below) enter image description here

I have a column on a google sheet that gets updated everyday.

enter image description here

Is there any way that I can automatically link the names from the google sheet to the google form dropdown Question 1 such that each time the sheet gets updated with an additional name - the google form automatically gets updated with the name in the dropdown. I imagine we would need to use Google AppScript. Any guidance in pointing me in the right direction would be appreciated.


  • A very generic script but you should be able to modify it as you see fit

    function updateForm(){
      var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById('----------'); // ID of spreadsheet with names
      var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('Names'); // Name of sheet with range of names
      var nameValues = sheet.getRange('A2:A10').getValues(); // Get name values
      var form = FormApp.openById('---------');  // ID of form
      var formItems = form.getItems();
      var question = formItems[2].asListItem(); // Get the second item on the from 
      var names = []
      for(var x = 1; x < nameValues.length; x++){
        if(nameValues[x][0] != ""){ // Ignores blank cells
         names.push(question.createChoice(nameValues[x][0])) // Create an array of choice objects
      var setQuestion1 = question.setChoices(names); // Update the question

    To update the form when the sheet is edited you can use an installed onEdit trigger. With the addition of logic you can limit the updting of the form to only occour when a particular range has been edited.

    In this example the form will only update when an edit has been made to column A of the sheet 'Names'

    function updateForm(e){
      var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
      var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
      var sheetName = sheet.getSheetName();
      var getCol = e.range.getColumn(); 
      if(sheetName == 'Names' && 1){
      var nameValues = sheet.getRange('A2:A10').getValues(); // Get name values
      var form = FormApp.openById('---------');  // ID of form
      var formItems = form.getItems();
      var question = formItems[2].asListItem(); // Get the second item on the from 
      var names = []
      for(var x = 1; x < nameValues.length; x++){
        if(nameValues[x][0] != ""){ // Ignores blank cells
         names.push(question.createChoice(nameValues[x][0])) // Create an array of choice objects
      var setQuestion1 = question.setChoices(names); // Update the question