I have the following dataframe which i want to present in a scatter plot for x and y:
x y z M
0 52.8 34.2 94.232224 1.347599
1 48.4 34.2 95.520638 1.410438
2 44.0 34.2 95.688486 1.353541
3 39.6 34.2 93.810213 1.478019
4 35.2 34.2 95.180400 1.163945
When i hover over the squares i want to have a tooltip showing my z value in a textfield. To do this I use plotly. Here is my code:
fig = go.Figure(go.Scatter(mode="markers", x=data['x'], y=data['y'], marker_symbol="square",
hovertemplate =
"<b>%{marker.symbol} </b><br><br>" +
"Z: %{z}<br>",
marker_line_width=1, marker_size=5))
Is it possible to show z in the plot as a tooltip? It does not work for me.
Just include '%{text}'
in hovertemplate
and assign ['z {}'.format(i) for i in data['z']]
to text
in go.Scatter()
to get this:
Complete code:
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import pandas as pd
data= pd.DataFrame({'x': {0: 52.8, 1: 48.4, 2: 44.0, 3: 39.6, 4: 35.2},
'y': {0: 34.2, 1: 34.2, 2: 34.2, 3: 34.2, 4: 34.2},
'z': {0: 94.232224, 1: 95.520638, 2: 95.688486, 3: 93.810213, 4: 95.1804},
'M': {0: 1.347599,
1: 1.4104379999999999,
2: 1.3535409999999999,
3: 1.478019,
4: 1.163945}})
fig = go.Figure(go.Scatter(mode="markers", x=data['x'], y=data['y'], marker_symbol="square",
hovertemplate = 'y: %{y}'+'<br>x: %{x}<br>'+'%{text}',
text = ['z {}'.format(i) for i in data['z']],
marker_line_width=1, marker_size=5))