I have an NSOutlineView where I'm trying to implement "search & replace" ability but the problem is that all nodes are not getting expanding.
let nodes : [NSTreeNode] = self.getNode(contains: "any word")
for node in nodes {
self.outlineView.expandItem(node.parent) // that only work for short index path
let row = self.outline.row(forItem: item)
if row >= 0 {
self.outlineView.selectRowIndexes(IndexSet(integer: row), byExtendingSelection: false)
The problem is that nodes at certain level doesn't get expanded.
How can I start expanding NSTreenode(s) starting from the initial parent node to the last child parent that contains my search?
Recursion, expand the parent before expanding the node:
func expandNode(_ node:NSTreeNode) {
if let parent = node.parent {
if !outlineView.isItemExpanded(parent) {
Iterating over node.indexPath
var treeNode = treeController.arrangedObjects
node.indexPath.forEach { index in
treeNode = treeNode.children![index]
if !outlineView.isItemExpanded(treeNode) {