When I'm developing locally the images are found when I place the /public
folder in /src/
# locally
Then when I do a deploy the images are not found. But when I place the public folder outside of src the images are found:
# deploy
And I use the images as:
<img src="/images/my-image.jpg" alt="" />
Is there a configuration setting I have to use?
Full structure:
|- .now/
| |- project.json
| └── README.txt
|- next.config.js
|- now.json
|- src/
| |- .next/
| | |- build-manifest.json
| | |- react-loadable-manifest.json
| | |- cache/
| | |- server/
| | └── static/
| |- pages/
| └── next-env.d.ts
The public folder has to be in the root. There’s no way to configure otherwise.
Files inside public can then be referenced by your code starting from the base URL (/).
is served as /path/image.jpg