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Snakemake variable number of files

I'm in a situation, where I would like to scatter my workflow into a variable number of chunks, which I don't know beforehand. Maybe it is easiest to explain the problem by being concrete:

Someone has handed me FASTQ files demultiplexed using bcl2fastq with the no-lane-splitting option. I would like to split these files according to lane, map each lane individually, and then finally gather everything again. However, I don't know the number of lanes beforehand.

Ideally, I would like a solution like this,

rule split_fastq_file: (...)  # results in N FASTQ files
rule map_fastq_file: (...)  # do this N times
rule merge_bam_files: (...)  # merge the N BAM files

but I am not sure this is possbile. The expand function requires me to know the number of lanes, and can't see how it would be possible to use wildcards for this, either.

I should say that I am rather new to Snakemake, and that I may have complete misunderstood how Snakemake works. It has taken me some time to get used to think about things "upside-down" by focusing on output files and then working backwards.


  • One option is to use checkpoint when splitting the fastqs, so that you can dynamically re-evaluate the DAG at a later point to get the resulting lanes.

    Here's an MWE step by step:

    • Setup and make an example fastq file.
    # Requires Python 3.6+ for f-strings, Snakemake 5.4+ for checkpoints
    import pathlib
    import random
    rule make_fastq:
            fastq = touch("input/{sample}.fastq")
    • Create a random number of lanes between 1 and 9 each with random identifier from 1 to 9. Note that we declare this as a checkpoint, rather than a rule, so that we can later access the result. Also, we declare the output here as a directory specific to the sample, so that we can later glob in it to get the lanes that were created.
    checkpoint split_fastq:
            fastq = rules.make_fastq.output.fastq
            lane_dir = directory("temp/split_fastq/{sample}")
            n_lanes = random.randrange(1, 10)-
            lane_numbers = random.sample(range(1, 10), k = n_lanes)
            for lane_number in lane_numbers:
                path = pathlib.Path(output.lane_dir) / f"L00{lane_number}.fastq"
    • Do some intermediate processing.
    rule map_fastq:
            fastq = "temp/split_fastq/{sample}/L00{lane_number}.fastq"
            bam = "temp/map_fastq/{sample}/L00{lane_number}.bam"
            bam = pathlib.Path(output.bam)
    • To merge all the processed files, we use an input function to access the lanes that were created in split_fastq, so that we can do a dynamic expand on these. We do the expand on the last rule in the chain of intermediate processing steps, in this case map_fastq, so that we ask for the correct inputs.
    def get_bams(wildcards):
        lane_dir = checkpoints.split_fastq.get(**wildcards).output[0]
        lane_numbers = glob_wildcards(f"{lane_dir}/L00{{lane_number}}.fastq").lane_number
        bams = expand(rules.map_fastq.output.bam, **wildcards, lane_number=lane_numbers)
        return bams
    • This input function now gives us easy access to the bam files we wish to merge, however many there are, and whatever they may be called.
    rule merge_bam:
            bam = "temp/merge_bam/{sample}.bam"
            "cat {input} > {output.bam}"

    This example runs, and with random.seed(1) happens to create three lanes (l001, l002, and l005).

    If you don't want to use checkpoint, I think you could achieve something similar by creating an input function for merge_bam that opens up the original input fastq, scans the read names for lane info, and predicts what the input files ought to be. This seems less robust, however.