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PL SQL print with cursor

i have a table with a column for categories, date and price. Like this:

group 1  - 03.03.2019 - 5.00
group 1  - 03.02.2018 - 4.00
group 2  - 05.05.2019 - 2.25
group 2  - 05.05.2018 - 1.00

So there are (almost) always two dates per group with two different prices. I have a sql statement which picks the row with the closest date to the given date but i don't know how to print them all with a cursor. So the output for 06.06.2019 should look like this:

group 1  - 03.03.2019 - 5.00
group 2  - 05.05.2019 - 2.25

So it only prints one categorie + the correct Price (from the correct date) but 10 times.


  • Of course it does, as you told it to. You're looping 10 times, and - for every loop iteration - you open/close the same cursor and print values it fetches.

    What you should do is to loop through cursor itself; moreover, as you put it, that should be two nested loops. Something like this (pseudocode to make it clearer):

      for cur_1 as (select whatever that makes the first cursor) loop
        for cur_2 as (select whatever that makes the second cursor) loop
          dbms_output.put_line(value from cur_1 || value from cur_2);
        end loop;
      end loop;

    Applied to your code:

    Procedure print_inf_value (closingDate Date) is
      for cur_1 as (select t.attr
                    from informationvalues t
                    where t.dateofValue <= closingDate
                      and not exists (select 1
                                      from informationvalues t1
                                      where t1.attr = t.attr 
                                        and t1.dateofValue <= closingDate 
                                        and t1.dateofValue > t.dateofValue
        for cur_2 as (select t.price
                      from informationvalues t
                      where t.dateofValue <= closingDate
                        and not exists (select 1
                                        from informationvalues t1
                                        where t1.attr = t.attr 
                                          and t1.dateofValue <= closingDate 
                                          and t1.dateofValue > t.dateofValue
          dbms_output.put_line('Attr: ' || cur_1.attr || '    Price: ' || cur_2.price);
        end loop;
      end loop;

    Though, reading what you actually asked, perhaps you'd want to look at the following code which is rather simpler than yours:

    Sample data:

    SQL> alter session set nls_date_format = '';
    Session altered.
    SQL> select * From test order by grp, cdate;
           GRP CDATE           PRICE
    ---------- ---------- ----------
             1 03.02.2018          4
             1 03.03.2019          5
             2 05.05.2018          1
             2 05.05.2019       2,25


    SQL> create or replace procedure print_inf_value (par_cdate in date)
      2  is
      3  begin
      4    for cur_r in (select a.grp, a.cdate, a.price
      5                  from test a
      6                  where (a.grp, a.cdate) in (select b.grp, max(b.cdate)
      7                                             from test b
      8                                             where b.cdate <= par_cdate
      9                                             group by b.grp
     10                                            )
     11                 )
     12    loop
     13      dbms_output.put_line(cur_r.grp ||' '|| cur_r.cdate ||' '|| cur_r.price);
     14    end loop;
     15  end;
     16  /
    Procedure created.


    SQL> set serveroutput on;
    SQL> exec print_inf_value(date '2019-01-01');
    1 03.02.2018 4
    2 05.05.2018 1
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.