The category of sets is both cartesian monoidal and cocartesian monoidal. The types of the canonical isomorphisms witnessing these two monoidal structures are listed below:
type x + y = Either x y
type x × y = (x, y)
data Iso a b = Iso { fwd :: a -> b, bwd :: b -> a }
eassoc :: Iso ((x + y) + z) (x + (y + z))
elunit :: Iso (Void + x) x
erunit :: Iso (x + Void) x
tassoc :: Iso ((x × y) × z) (x × (y × z))
tlunit :: Iso (() × x) x
trunit :: Iso (x × ()) x
For the purposes of this question I define Alternative
to be a lax monoidal functor from Hask under the Either
tensor to Hask under the (,)
tensor (and no more):
class Functor f => Alt f
union :: f a × f b -> f (a + b)
class Alt f => Alternative f
nil :: () -> f Void
The laws are just those for a lax monoidal functor.
fwd tassoc >>> bimap id union >>> union
bimap union id >>> union >>> fmap (fwd eassoc)
Left unit:
fwd tlunit
bimap nil id >>> union >>> fmap (fwd elunit)
Right unit:
fwd trunit
bimap id nil >>> union >>> fmap (fwd erunit)
Here is how to recover the more familiar operations for the Alternative
typeclass in terms of the coherence maps of the lax monoidal functor encoding:
(<|>) :: Alt f => f a -> f a -> f a
x <|> y = either id id <$> union (Left <$> x, Right <$> y)
empty :: Alternative f => f a
empty = absurd <$> nil ()
I define Filterable
functors to be oplax monoidal functors from Hask under the Either
tensor to Hask under the (,)
class Functor f => Filter f
partition :: f (a + b) -> f a × f b
class Filter f => Filterable f
trivial :: f Void -> ()
trivial = const ()
Having for its laws just backwards lax monoidal functor laws:
bwd tassoc <<< bimap id partition <<< partition
bimap partition id <<< partition <<< fmap (bwd eassoc)
Left unit:
bwd tlunit
bimap trivial id <<< partition <<< fmap (bwd elunit)
Right unit:
bwd trunit
bimap id trivial <<< partition <<< fmap (bwd erunit)
Defining standard filter-y functions like mapMaybe
and filter
in terms of the oplax monoidal functor encoding left as an exercise to the interested reader:
mapMaybe :: Filterable f => (a -> Maybe b) -> f a -> f b
mapMaybe = _
filter :: Filterable f => (a -> Bool) -> f a -> f a
filter = _
The question is this: is every Alternative
also Filterable
We can type tetris our way to an implementation:
instance (Alternative f, Monad f) => Filter f
partition fab = (fab >>= either return (const empty), fab >>= either (const empty) return)
But is this implementation always lawful? Is it sometimes lawful (for some formal definition of "sometimes")? Proofs, counterexamples, and/or informal arguments would all be very useful. Thanks.
Here goes an argument which is broadly supportive of your beautiful idea.
My plan here is restating the problem in terms of mapMaybe
, hoping that doing so will bring us to more familiar ground. To do so, I will use a few Either
-juggling utility functions:
maybeToRight :: a -> Maybe b -> Either a b
rightToMaybe :: Either a b -> Maybe b
leftToMaybe :: Either a b -> Maybe a
flipEither :: Either a b -> Either b a
(I took the first three names from relude, and the fourth from errors. By the way, errors offers maybeToRight
and rightToMaybe
as note
and hush
respectively, in Control.Error.Util
As you noted, mapMaybe
can be defined in terms of partition
mapMaybe :: Filterable f => (a -> Maybe b) -> f a -> f b
mapMaybe f = snd . partition . fmap (maybeToRight () . f)
Crucially, we can also go the other way around:
partition :: Filterable f => f (Either a b) -> (f a, f b)
partition = mapMaybe leftToMaybe &&& mapMaybe rightToMaybe
This suggests it makes sense to recast your laws in terms of mapMaybe
. With the identity laws, doing so gives us a great excuse to forget entirely about trivial
-- Left and right unit
mapMaybe rightToMaybe . fmap (bwd elunit) = id -- [I]
mapMaybe leftToMaybe . fmap (bwd erunit) = id -- [II]
As for associativity, we can use rightToMaybe
and leftToMaybe
to split the law in three equations, one for each component we get from the successive partitions:
-- Associativity
mapMaybe rightToMaybe . fmap (bwd eassoc)
= mapMaybe rightToMaybe . mapMaybe rightToMaybe -- [III]
mapMaybe rightToMaybe . mapMaybe leftToMaybe . fmap (bwd eassoc)
= mapMaybe leftToMaybe . mapMaybe rightToMaybe -- [IV]
mapMaybe leftToMaybe . fmap (bwd eassoc)
= mapMaybe leftToMaybe . mapMaybe leftToMaybe -- [V]
Parametricity means mapMaybe
is agnostic with respect to the Either
values we are dealing with here. That being so, we can use our little arsenal of Either
isomorphisms to shuffle things around and show that [I] is equivalent to [II], and [III] is equivalent to [V]. We are now down to three equations:
mapMaybe rightToMaybe . fmap (bwd elunit) = id -- [I]
mapMaybe rightToMaybe . fmap (bwd eassoc)
= mapMaybe rightToMaybe . mapMaybe rightToMaybe -- [III]
mapMaybe rightToMaybe . mapMaybe leftToMaybe . fmap (bwd eassoc)
= mapMaybe leftToMaybe . mapMaybe rightToMaybe -- [IV]
Parametricity allows us to swallow the fmap
in [I]:
mapMaybe (rightToMaybe . bwd elunit) = id
That, however, is simply...
mapMaybe Just = id
... which is equivalent to the conservation/identity law from witherable's Filterable
mapMaybe (Just . f) = fmap f
That Filterable
also has a composition law:
-- The (<=<) is from the Maybe monad.
mapMaybe g . mapMaybe f = mapMaybe (g <=< f)
Can we also derive this one from our laws? Let's start from [III] and, once more, have parametricity do its work. This one is trickier, so I'll write it down in full:
mapMaybe rightToMaybe . fmap (bwd eassoc)
= mapMaybe rightToMaybe . mapMaybe rightToMaybe -- [III]
-- f :: a -> Maybe b; g :: b -> Maybe c
-- Precomposing fmap (right (maybeToRight () . g) . maybeToRight () . f)
-- on both sides:
mapMaybe rightToMaybe . fmap (bwd eassoc)
. fmap (right (maybeToRight () . g) . maybeToRight () . f)
= mapMaybe rightToMaybe . mapMaybe rightToMaybe
. fmap (right (maybeToRight () . g) . maybeToRight () . f)
mapMaybe rightToMaybe . mapMaybe rightToMaybe
. fmap (right (maybeToRight () . g) . maybeToRight () . f) -- RHS
mapMaybe rightToMaybe . fmap (maybeToRight () . g)
. mapMaybe rightToMaybe . fmap (maybeToRight () . f)
mapMaybe (rightToMaybe . maybeToRight () . g)
. mapMaybe (rightToMaybe . maybeToRight () . f)
mapMaybe g . mapMaybe f
mapMaybe rightToMaybe . fmap (bwd eassoc)
. fmap (right (maybeToRight () . g) . maybeToRight () . f) -- LHS
mapMaybe (rightToMaybe . bwd eassoc
. right (maybeToRight () . g) . maybeToRight () . f)
mapMaybe (rightToMaybe . bwd eassoc
. right (maybeToRight ()) . maybeToRight () . fmap @Maybe g . f)
-- join @Maybe
-- = rightToMaybe . bwd eassoc . right (maybeToRight ()) . maybeToRight ()
mapMaybe (join @Maybe . fmap @Maybe g . f)
mapMaybe (g <=< f) -- mapMaybe (g <=< f) = mapMaybe g . mapMaybe f
In the other direction:
mapMaybe (g <=< f) = mapMaybe g . mapMaybe f
-- f = rightToMaybe; g = rightToMaybe
mapMaybe (rightToMaybe <=< rightToMaybe)
= mapMaybe rightToMaybe . mapMaybe rightToMaybe
mapMaybe (rightToMaybe <=< rightToMaybe) -- LHS
mapMaybe (join @Maybe . fmap @Maybe rightToMaybe . rightToMaybe)
-- join @Maybe
-- = rightToMaybe . bwd eassoc . right (maybeToRight ()) . maybeToRight ()
mapMaybe (rightToMaybe . bwd eassoc
. right (maybeToRight ()) . maybeToRight ()
. fmap @Maybe rightToMaybe . rightToMaybe)
mapMaybe (rightToMaybe . bwd eassoc
. right (maybeToRight () . rightToMaybe)
. maybeToRight () . rightToMaybe)
mapMaybe (rightToMaybe . bwd eassoc) -- See note below.
mapMaybe rightToMaybe . fmap (bwd eassoc)
-- mapMaybe rightToMaybe . fmap (bwd eassoc)
-- = mapMaybe rightToMaybe . mapMaybe rightToMaybe
(Note: While maybeToRight () . rightToMaybe :: Either a b -> Either () b
is not id
, in the derivation above the left values will be discarded anyway, so it is fair to strike it out as if it were id
Thus [III] is equivalent to the composition law of witherable's Filterable
At this point, we can use the composition law to deal with [IV]:
mapMaybe rightToMaybe . mapMaybe leftToMaybe . fmap (bwd eassoc)
= mapMaybe leftToMaybe . mapMaybe rightToMaybe -- [IV]
mapMaybe (rightToMaybe <=< leftToMaybe) . fmap (bwd eassoc)
= mapMaybe (letfToMaybe <=< rightToMaybe)
mapMaybe (rightToMaybe <=< leftToMaybe . bwd eassoc)
= mapMaybe (letfToMaybe <=< rightToMaybe)
-- Sufficient condition:
rightToMaybe <=< leftToMaybe . bwd eassoc = letfToMaybe <=< rightToMaybe
-- The condition holds, as can be directly verified by substiuting the definitions.
This suffices to show your class amounts to a well-established formulation of Filterable
, which is a very nice result. Here is a recap of the laws:
mapMaybe Just = id -- Identity
mapMaybe g . mapMaybe f = mapMaybe (g <=< f) -- Composition
As the witherable docs note, these are functor laws for a functor from Kleisli Maybe to Hask.
Now we can tackle your actual question, which was about alternative monads. Your proposed implementation of partition
partitionAM :: (Alternative f, Monad f) => f (Either a b) -> (f a, f b)
= (either return (const empty) =<<) &&& (either (const empty) return =<<)
Following my broader plan, I will switch to the mapMaybe
mapMaybe f
snd . partition . fmap (maybeToRight () . f)
snd . (either return (const empty) =<<) &&& (either (const empty) return =<<)
. fmap (maybeToRight () . f)
(either (const empty) return =<<) . fmap (maybeToRight () . f)
(either (const empty) return . maybeToRight . f =<<)
(maybe empty return . f =<<)
And so we can define:
mapMaybeAM :: (Alternative f, Monad f) => (a -> Maybe b) -> f a -> f b
mapMaybeAM f u = maybe empty return . f =<< u
Or, in a pointfree spelling:
mapMaybeAM = (=<<) . (maybe empty return .)
A few paragraphs above, I noted the Filterable
laws say that mapMaybe
is the morphism mapping of a functor from Kleisli Maybe to Hask. Since the composition of functors is a functor, and (=<<)
is the morphism mapping of a functor from Kleisli f to Hask, (maybe empty return .)
being the morphism mapping of a functor from Kleisli Maybe to Kleisli f suffices for mapMaybeAM
to be lawful. The relevant functor laws are:
maybe empty return . Just = return -- Identity
maybe empty return . g <=< maybe empty return . f
= maybe empty return . (g <=< f) -- Composition
This identity law holds, so let's focus on the composition one:
maybe empty return . g <=< maybe empty return . f
= maybe empty return . (g <=< f)
maybe empty return . g =<< maybe empty return (f a)
= maybe empty return (g =<< f a)
-- Case 1: f a = Nothing
maybe empty return . g =<< maybe empty return Nothing
= maybe empty return (g =<< Nothing)
maybe empty return . g =<< empty = maybe empty return Nothing
maybe empty return . g =<< empty = empty -- To be continued.
-- Case 2: f a = Just b
maybe empty return . g =<< maybe empty return (Just b)
= maybe empty return (g =<< Just b)
maybe empty return . g =<< return b = maybe empty return (g b)
maybe empty return (g b) = maybe empty return (g b) -- OK.
Therefore, mapMaybeAM
is lawful iff maybe empty return . g =<< empty = empty
for any g
. Now, if empty
is defined as absurd <$> nil ()
, as you have done here, we can prove that f =<< empty = empty
for any f
f =<< empty = empty
f =<< empty -- LHS
f =<< absurd <$> nil ()
f . absurd =<< nil ()
-- By parametricity, f . absurd = absurd, for any f.
absurd =<< nil ()
return . absurd =<< nil ()
absurd <$> nil ()
empty -- LHS = RHS
Intuitively, if empty
is really empty (as it must be, given the definition we are using here), there will be no values for f
to be applied to, and so f =<< empty
can't result in anything but empty
A different approach here would be looking into the interaction of the Alternative
and Monad
classes. As it happens, there is a class for alternative monads: MonadPlus
. Accordingly, a restyled mapMaybe
might look like this:
-- Lawful iff, for any f, mzero >>= maybe empty mzero . f = mzero
mmapMaybe :: MonadPlus m => (a -> Maybe b) -> m a -> m b
mmapMaybe f m = m >>= maybe mzero return . f
While there are varying opinions on which set of laws is most appropriate for MonadPlus
, one of the laws no one seems to object to is...
mzero >>= f = mzero -- Left zero
... which is precisely the property of empty
we were discussing a few paragraphs above. The lawfulness of mmapMaybe
follows immediately from the left zero law.
(Incidentally, Control.Monad
provides mfilter :: MonadPlus m => (a -> Bool) -> m a -> m a
, which matches the filter
we can define using mmapMaybe
In summary:
But is this implementation always lawful? Is it sometimes lawful (for some formal definition of "sometimes")?
Yes, the implementation is lawful. This conclusion hinges on the empty
being indeed empty, as it should, or on the relevant alternative monad following the left zero MonadPlus
law, which boils down to pretty much the same thing.
It is worth emphasising that Filterable
isn't subsumed by MonadPlus
, as we can illustrate with the following counterexamples:
: filterable, but not a monad. The Filterable
instance is the same as the one for lists, even though the Alternative
one is different.
: filterable, but neither a monad nor applicative. In fact, Map
can't even be applicative because there is no sensible implementation of pure
. It does, however, have its own empty
MaybeT f
: while its Monad
and Alternative
instances require f
to be a monad, and an isolated empty
definition would need at least Applicative
, the Filterable
instance only requires Functor f
(anything becomes filterable if you slip a Maybe
layer into it).
At this point, one might still wonder how big of a role empty
, or nil
, really plays in Filterable
. It is not a class method, and yet most instances appear to have a sensible version of it lying around.
The one thing we can be certain of is that, if the filterable type has any inhabitants at all, at least one of them will be an empty structure, because we can always take any inhabitant and filter everything out:
chop :: Filterable f => f a -> f Void
chop = mapMaybe (const Nothing)
The existence of chop
, though doesn't mean there will be a single nil
empty value, or that chop
will always give out the same result. Consider, for instance, MaybeT IO
, whose Filterable
instance might be thought of as a way to censor results of IO
computations. The instance is perfectly lawful, even though chop
can produce distinct MaybeT IO Void
values that carry arbitrary IO
On a final note, you have alluded to the possibility of working with strong monoidal functors, so that Alternative
and Filterable
are linked by making union
and nil
isomorphisms. Having union
and partition
as mutual inverses is conceivable but fairly limiting, given that union . partition
discards some information about the arrangement of the elements for a large share of instances. As for the other isomorphism, trivial . nil
is trivial, but nil . trivial
is interesting in that it implies there is just a single f Void
value, something that holds for a sizeable share of Filterable
instances. It happens that there is a MonadPlus
version of this condition. If we demand that, for any u
absurd <$> chop u = mzero
... and then substitute the mmapMaybe
from part two, we get:
absurd <$> chop u = mzero
absurd <$> mmapMaybe (const Nothing) u = mzero
mmapMaybe (fmap absurd . const Nothing) u = mzero
mmapMaybe (const Nothing) u = mzero
u >>= maybe mzero return . const Nothing = mzero
u >>= const mzero = mzero
u >> mzero = mzero
This property is known as the right zero law of MonadPlus
, though there are good reasons to contest its status as a law of that particular class.