I would like to make a simple condition in pug, which is : If this element exists > Show this element / Else > Show a text
There is my code used :
In app.js :
.then(({ data }) => {
let items = null;
data.items.length === 0 ? items = false : items = true;
res.render('party', {
party: data,
title: data.name,
url: `${process.env.FRONT_URL}:${process.env.PORT}/party/${data._id}`
.catch((err) => console.log(err))
In my .pug file :
if items = false
each item in party.items
form(method="post" action=`/party/${party._id}/items/${item._id}`)
p= `${item.name} - ${item.user}`
button(type="submit") Supprimer
p Il n'y a pas encore d'objet. Ajoutez-en un !
What should I write after my if
So I got helped and there is the answer:
each item in party.items
form(method="post" action=`/party/${party._id}/items/${item._id}`)
p= `${item.name} - ${item.user}`
button(type="submit") Supprimer
if party.items.length === 0
p Il n'y a pas encore d'objet. Ajoutez-en un !