I'm plotting some data in this way:
plt.plot(x, data['Coherence'], color='b', marker='.', linestyle='solid', mfc='none', mec='b')
plt.xlabel("Number of Topics")
plt.ylabel("Coherence score")
plt.legend("coherence_values", loc='best')
And the output (correct) is:
That is almost what I would like, but behind the markers, I can still see part of the line. There is a way to get a result like this?
Thank you!
You can set the markerfacecolor
parameter to "white" to obtain the desired result.
For instance:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
plt.plot(np.random.randn(10), color='b', marker='.', linestyle='solid', mfc='none', markersize=24, markerfacecolor='white')
Yields the following figure: