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Titanium: iPhone app to android problems

I have created an iPhone app which works perfectly smooth on my simulator. Now I try to deploy it on an android device (i've tried it on the simulator and also on an android device) and my app runs very slow. It laggs like hell when you even just scroll down, and it takes like 5 seconds to load a page.

Is there anything that could cause this slow behavior?

I'm using Titanium SDK 1.6.2, and when running on the emulator I'm using Android 2.3. - API level 10.



  • The Titanium Mobile SDk v1.8 from the continuous build seems to speed up the the tableviews.

    You can download it from .

    Also, I hooked-up my Android device to my Mac and have Titanium Studio install my app there. Much faster than doing so to the Android emulator.

    Moreover, some features like playing movies from remote sources don't work on the emulator, but work on the Android device.