I have xarray dataset with following info:
lat: float64 (192)
lon: float64 (288)
time: object (1200) (monthly data)
Data Variables:
tas: (time, lat, lon)
Now I want values of tas for specific month, for example I want new dataset with all records of month January.
Output dataset will look like this:
lat: float64 (192)
lon: float64 (288)
time: object (100) (monthly data of January)
Data Variables:
tas: (time, lat, lon)
I tried a way like this which I used before:
jan = pd.date_range(start='1979-01-01', periods=41, freq='AS-JAN').date.tolist()
gs_jan = gs.sel(time = jan)
But this won't work in my case cause dates for me is in 0001-0100 year, and pandas doesn't support date in that range!
Generally for analysing time-series data like this, you want to follow the group-split-apply approach using xarray's da.groupby()
method (http://xarray.pydata.org/en/stable/groupby.html).
In your case, I'd suggest trying:
# Use .groupby('time.month') to organize the data into months
# then use .groups to extract the indices for each month
# Extract the time indices corresponding to all the Januarys
# Extract the january months by selecting
# the relevant indices
Hope this helps!