I'm using Visual Studio 2019 with c# and Bouncy Castle
in version 1.8.5
I was successfully able to generate a Certificate Authority
(CA) and now want to generate an Intermediate Certificate
In my current workflow, the CA certificate is returned as a X509Certificate2
-object that I pass over to generate the intermediate certificate.
From there I want to read the PrivateKey
but I have troubles doing so.
For CA generation (the CACertificateDetails
is a simple class for storing strings to pass over):
public static X509Certificate2 GenerateCA(CACertificateDetails details)
// generate a random number
var random = GetSecureRandom();
// init the certificate generator
X509V3CertificateGenerator certificateGenerator = new X509V3CertificateGenerator();
// serial number
// set issuer and subject name
var subjectDN = new X509Name(details.SubjectName);
var issuerDN = new X509Name(details.IssuerName);
// validation time
var notBefore = DateTime.UtcNow.Date;
var notAfter = notBefore.AddYears(details.ValidYears);
// subject public Key
AsymmetricCipherKeyPair subjectKeyPair;
KeyGenerationParameters keyGenerationParameters = new KeyGenerationParameters(random, details.KeyStrength);
RsaKeyPairGenerator keyPairGenerator = new RsaKeyPairGenerator();
subjectKeyPair = keyPairGenerator.GenerateKeyPair();
// set the hash algorithm
AsymmetricCipherKeyPair issuerKeyPair = subjectKeyPair;
ISignatureFactory signatureFactory = new Asn1SignatureFactory(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.Sha512WithRsaEncryption.ToString(), issuerKeyPair.Private, random);
// generate the certificate
var certificate = certificateGenerator.Generate(signatureFactory);
var x509Certificate = new X509Certificate2(certificate.GetEncoded());
PrivateKeyInfo info = PrivateKeyInfoFactory.CreatePrivateKeyInfo(subjectKeyPair.Private);
Asn1Sequence seq = (Asn1Sequence)Asn1Object.FromByteArray(info.ParsePrivateKey().GetDerEncoded());
if (seq.Count != 9)
throw new PemException("malformed sequence in RSA private key");
RsaPrivateKeyStructure rsa = RsaPrivateKeyStructure.GetInstance(seq);
RsaPrivateCrtKeyParameters rsaparams = new RsaPrivateCrtKeyParameters(
rsa.Modulus, rsa.PublicExponent, rsa.PrivateExponent, rsa.Prime1, rsa.Prime2, rsa.Exponent1, rsa.Exponent2, rsa.Coefficient);
var convertedRsa = DotNetUtilities.ToRSA(rsaparams);
var x509CertificateRet = x509Certificate.CopyWithPrivateKey(convertedRsa);
x509CertificateRet.FriendlyName = details.FriendlyName;
return x509CertificateRet;
The method to generate the intermediate certificate is as follows (the just generated CA is passed as a object now):
public static X509Certificate2 GenerateCertificate(CertificateDetails details, X509Certificate2 issuer)
// generate a random number
var random = GetSecureRandom();
// init the certificate generator
X509V3CertificateGenerator certificateGenerator = new X509V3CertificateGenerator();
// serial number
// set issuer and subject name
var issuerDN = new X509Name(issuer.Issuer);
var distinguishedNames = DistinguishedName(details);
var nameOids = new ArrayList(distinguishedNames.Select(x => x.Item1).ToArray());
var nameValues = new ArrayList(distinguishedNames.Select(x => x.Item2).ToArray());
var subjectDN = new X509Name(nameOids, nameValues);
// authority key identifier
var authorityKeyIdentifier = new AuthorityKeyIdentifierStructure(DotNetUtilities.FromX509Certificate(issuer));
certificateGenerator.AddExtension(X509Extensions.AuthorityKeyIdentifier.Id, false, authorityKeyIdentifier);
// Basic Constraints - certificate is allowed to be used as intermediate.
certificateGenerator.AddExtension(X509Extensions.BasicConstraints.Id, true, new BasicConstraints(details.IsIntermediateCertificate));
// key usage
if (!details.IsIntermediateCertificate)
certificateGenerator.AddExtension(X509Extensions.KeyUsage, true, new KeyUsage(KeyUsage.DigitalSignature | KeyUsage.DataEncipherment | KeyUsage.KeyAgreement));
certificateGenerator.AddExtension(X509Extensions.ExtendedKeyUsage, true, new ExtendedKeyUsage(new[] { KeyPurposeID.IdKPServerAuth, KeyPurposeID.IdKPServerAuth }));
certificateGenerator.AddExtension(X509Extensions.KeyUsage, true, new KeyUsage(KeyUsage.DigitalSignature | KeyUsage.DataEncipherment | KeyUsage.KeyAgreement | KeyUsage.KeyCertSign));
certificateGenerator.AddExtension(X509Extensions.ExtendedKeyUsage, true, new ExtendedKeyUsage(KeyPurposeID.AnyExtendedKeyUsage));
// validation time
var notBefore = DateTime.UtcNow.Date;
var notAfter = notBefore.AddYears(details.ValidYears);
// subject public Key
AsymmetricCipherKeyPair subjectKeyPair;
KeyGenerationParameters keyGenerationParameters = new KeyGenerationParameters(random, details.KeyStrength);
RsaKeyPairGenerator keyPairGenerator = new RsaKeyPairGenerator();
subjectKeyPair = keyPairGenerator.GenerateKeyPair();
// set the hash algorithm
var issuerPrivateKey = TransformRSAPrivateKey(issuer.PrivateKey);
ISignatureFactory signatureFactory = new Asn1SignatureFactory("SHA3-512withRSA", issuerPrivateKey, random);
// generate the certificate
var certificate = certificateGenerator.Generate(signatureFactory);
PrivateKeyInfo info = PrivateKeyInfoFactory.CreatePrivateKeyInfo(subjectKeyPair.Private);
var x509Certificate = new X509Certificate2(certificate.GetEncoded());
Asn1Sequence seq = (Asn1Sequence)Asn1Object.FromByteArray(info.ParsePrivateKey().GetDerEncoded());
if (seq.Count != 9)
throw new PemException("Malformed sequence in RSA private key");
RsaPrivateKeyStructure rsa = RsaPrivateKeyStructure.GetInstance(seq);
RsaPrivateCrtKeyParameters rsaparams = new RsaPrivateCrtKeyParameters(
rsa.Modulus, rsa.PublicExponent, rsa.PrivateExponent, rsa.Prime1, rsa.Prime2, rsa.Exponent1, rsa.Exponent2, rsa.Coefficient);
x509Certificate.PrivateKey = DotNetUtilities.ToRSA(rsaparams);
x509Certificate.FriendlyName = details.FriendlyName;
return x509Certificate;
I now fail at function TransformRSAPrivateKey
in line prov.ExportParameters(true)
probably because there is no private key data found, which I find strange due to the fact that I copied it with x509Certificate.CopyWithPrivateKey(convertedRsa)
in the CA generation.
private static AsymmetricKeyParameter TransformRSAPrivateKey(AsymmetricAlgorithm privateKey)
RSACryptoServiceProvider prov = privateKey as RSACryptoServiceProvider;
RSAParameters parameters = prov.ExportParameters(true);
return new RsaPrivateCrtKeyParameters(
new BigInteger(1, parameters.Modulus),
new BigInteger(1, parameters.Exponent),
new BigInteger(1, parameters.D),
new BigInteger(1, parameters.P),
new BigInteger(1, parameters.Q),
new BigInteger(1, parameters.DP),
new BigInteger(1, parameters.DQ),
new BigInteger(1, parameters.InverseQ));
How can I proceed to use the CA to generate (and sign) my Intermediate Certificate
I do not want to pass the AsymmetricKeyParameter
as seen in multiple examples here on stackoverflow.
At some point I want to maybe save the CA to the disk and read it at another time to generate a certificate with the same CA. At that time I won't have the CA generation workflow and therefore not the AsymmetricKeyParameter
Okay the issue was in these lines:
// set the hash algorithm
var issuerPrivateKey = TransformRSAPrivateKey(issuer.PrivateKey);
ISignatureFactory signatureFactory = new Asn1SignatureFactory("SHA3-512withRSA", issuerPrivateKey, random);
One can pass the X509Certificate2
issuer certificate to the GenerateCertificate
function as in the original post.
The trick is to load that certificate with the flag X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable
, like X509Certificate2(certificatePath, password, X509KeyStorageFlags.PersistKeySet | X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable);
Further I changed my code to
// set the hash algorithm
var issuerPrivateKey = DotNetUtilities.GetKeyPair(issuerCA.PrivateKey).Private;
ISignatureFactory signatureFactory = new Asn1SignatureFactory(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.Sha512WithRsaEncryption.ToString(), issuerPrivateKey, random);