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Projecting from Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM) to WGS84 latitude-longitude

Unfortunately my projection from Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM) to WGS84 latitude-longitude seems to have gone wrong as the plotted coordinates don't line up with a map of Dublin sourced from the CSO (see below).

My transformed coordinates plotted on a map of Dublin

The transformed data was sourced from the Irish Valuation Office and the ITM X & Y coordinates were fed into a function adapted from a previous stackoverflow discussion which uses geopandas' built-in points_from_xy method to transform coordinates between Coordinate Reference Systems:

def create_geodf_from_GPS (df, latitude, longitude, crs):

    locations = gpd.points_from_xy(longitude, latitude)
    geo_df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df, geometry=locations) = crs

    return geo_df

VO_geo = create_geodf_from_GPS(VO, VO[" X ITM"], VO[" Y ITM"], crs = 'epsg:2157')
VO_geo = VO_geo.to_crs('epsg:4326')

Does anyone have any idea what may have gone wrong here?


  • Very simple fix thanks to @joris

    Altered function using x & y as arguments for gpd.points_from_xy instead of the previously mixed up longitude & latitude:

    def create_geodf_from_GPS (df, x, y, crs):
       locations = gpd.points_from_xy(x, y)
       geo_df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df, geometry=locations) = crs
    return geo_df

    Now plotting the data in WGS84 latitude-longitude works as expected:

    VO_geo = create_geodf_from_GPS(VO, x=VO[" X ITM"], y=VO[" Y ITM"], crs = 'epsg:2157')

    Note: the data had to be cleaned to remove obvious outliers by filtering out non-Dublin data using geopandas' (gpd) spatial join function

    VO_geo_clean = gpd.sjoin(VO_geo.to_crs('epsg:4326'), map_of_Dublin)

    Result: VO data plotted over a map of Dublin