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Jsoup get Product Description

I would like to get the Product Description of this Website:

I think I need But I have no clue how to parse it.

This is my parsing code

public Product getDescriptionByReal(Product product) {
    String completeUrl = "" + product.getPlattformProductId() + "/";
    try {
        Document document = Jsoup.connect(completeUrl).get();
        Elements description ="div#prodct-data");
        return product;

    } catch (IOException e) {
        return product;

If i try ""div.rd-product-description__text");" or ""div#prodct-data")" i get nothing, if i change it up to ""div"); i get not the data i want.


  • The product description is loaded asynchronously after the main document. Jsoup can access ony the document before Javascript modifications. Using chrome debugger I found the URL from where it's fetched. You can download this JSON:
    and parse it to get the description. Jsoup can't parse JSON so you'll have to use other library or use simple regular expression to get the part between <div> and </div>.