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Can Hana only allow user to view certain row of a view, if a condition is met

I am wondering if the following is achievable with Hana. I want to create a role/analyticPrivilege/user such that, the user can only view a specific set of rows of a view if a condition about the row is met.

Let's say I am having a view DEMO_VIEW, and here is what it looks like.

| foo   | bar   | location |
| foo_0 | bar_0 | US       |
| foo_1 | bar_1 | US       |
| foo_2 | bar_2 | CA       |

I want to create a role such that the user can view all rows where the location field == "US".

Is it possible?


  • Yes, that’s possible in a straightforward way:
    use SAP HANA analytic privileges and assign it to users/roles accordingly.