In the course of a software installation, a version control tool called Subversion has to be used:
mkdir ~/mm
cd ~/mm
svn co micro-manager1.4
svn co
I'm a bit lost as to what is being done here, but a password and username is being prompted:
$ svn co micro-manager1.4
Authentication realm: <> Micro-Manager Subversion repository
Password for 'user':
When I just keep hitting Enter, I get the following:
Authentication realm: <> Micro-Manager Subversion repository
Password for '':
Authentication realm: <> Micro-Manager Subversion repository
Password for '':
svn: E215004: No more credentials or we tried too many times.
Authentication failed
Does anyone know what happens here, what credentials are required and for what purpose?
to answer the underlying question ("how can i get the micro-manager microscope software", which btw would be off-topic), a quick google search for "micro-manager microscope" yields a public and active git-repository hosted on GitHub