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R Data.Table Cut Data Into Groups And Label


I have 'data1' with just score. I wish to add Group and Group 1. The rules are:

If 0 <= score <= 1, Group = 1, GrouopLabel = Cat

If 2 <= score <= 4, Group = 2, GrouopLabel = Fox

If 5 <= score <= 10, Group = 3, GrouopLabel = Dog


  • We can use cut to create the 'Group', then based on the numeric index of 'Group', replace the values to 'Cat', 'Fox', 'Dog' in 'Group1'

    setDT(data1)[, Group := as.integer(cut(Score, breaks = c(-Inf, 1, 4, 10)))][,
             Group1 := c('Cat', 'Fox', 'Dog')[Group]][]