Below api is not returning lists/document libraries/folders/files for any site(root/created by me) and subsites.
I need an api so that I can fetch all content of a site just like there are api's for MS Graph.
And then items:
I am able to fetch sites lists through below API:
{{url}}/_api/search/query?querytext='contentclass:STS_Site contentclass:STS_Web'
For every site, I fetched lists through below endpoint:
/_api/web/lists?$select=id&$filter=hidden eq false and iscatalog eq false and basetemplate eq 101 and itemcount ne 0
Then for every lists, I fetched folders and files:
Let's call above list_folder_files.
list_folders = list_folders_files['Folders'].select{|x| x['ItemCount'] != 0}
And for every folder, I fetched subfolder and files: