I have data with date format 1577234966837.
I uploaded this data in table via command :
load data infile 'C:/file.tsv'
into table table_1
fields terminated by '\t'
lines terminated by'\n'
ignore 1 lines (value, @timestamp)
set timestamp = FROM_UNIXTIME(@timestamp);
Command successful, but value in column timestamp is null. Ho to upload this format?
Your code looks right, but have problem with data type convertation.
In MySQL unixtime is number of second from 1970-01-01 00:00:00.
In your case number looks as JavaScript time in milliseconds, so for right convertion you should to divide the number by 1000
select from_unixtime(1577234966837); -- result is NULL
select from_unixtime(1577234966837/1000); -- result 2019-12-25 00:49:26.8370
So right import command should be like:
load data infile 'C:/file.tsv'
into table table_1
fields terminated by '\t'
lines terminated by'\n'
ignore 1 lines (value, @timestamp)
set timestamp = FROM_UNIXTIME(@timestamp/1000);