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Form View hide button via CSS

On Form View i want to hide a button if Customer partner_id is False, i tried t-if with no luck i tied attrs but also didnt work.

Check status of Customer partner_id:

enter image description here

I want to hide the button Send Message:

enter image description here

Any solution?

I tried to run CSS to hide the button

My Code:

<field name="name" attrs="{'invisible': [('partner_id', '=', False)]}">
        .o_chatter_button_new_message {
                display: none !important;


  • You can do it in FormRenderer and to hide or show the button when the value of partner_id changes you can create a new many2one widget by extending FieldMany2One and changing the visibility state of the button depending on the value of partner_id.

    In the following example, the Send Message button will be hidden if the partner_id is defined when the form view is loaded or when the value of partner_id is set to false. The button should be visible when the value of the partner is set (onchange event).

    odoo.define('stack_overflow.chatter_button_new_message', function (require) {
        "use strict";
        var FormRenderer = require('web.FormRenderer');
            autofocus: function () {
                var self = this;
                if(self.state.model === 'project.task' &&{
                    var node = window.$('button.o_chatter_button_new_message');
                return this._super();
        var relational_fields = require('web.relational_fields');
        var FieldMany2One = relational_fields.FieldMany2One.extend({
            _onFieldChanged: function (event) {
                var node = window.$('button.o_chatter_button_new_message');
                if ([]===false) {
                } else {
        fieldRegistry.add('hideSendMsg', FieldMany2One);

    You should add the js file in an asset bundle.

    To use the widget defined above you will need to set the widget attribute of the partner_id field to hideSendMsg in the XML definition.

    <record id="view_task_form2_inherit" model="ir.ui.view">
        <field name="name">view.task.form2.inherit</field>
        <field name="model">project.task</field>
        <field name="inherit_id" ref="project.view_task_form2"/>
        <field name="arch" type="xml">
            <field name="partner_id" position="attributes">
                <attribute name="widget">hideSendMsg</attribute>


    My Solution: @Fotic

    <script type="text/javascript">
            document.onload = check_status();
            document.onchange = check_status();
            function check_status() {
                if (document.getElementById("o_field_input_103")){
                    var hasCSSClass = document.getElementById("o_field_input_103")
                if (hasCSSClass){
                  if ( hasCSSClass.classList.contains("o_field_empty") || hasCSSClass.classList.contains("o_input")) {
                  } else{