I´m using odoo8 and want to create an option group by hour, I know that I should not mess with core odoo code but it is just add to lines (I hope so), I check an "pivot by hour" module V10 and there are added the same two lines.
in addons\point_of_sale\report\pos_order_report_view.xml I added:
<filter string="Order Hour" context="{'group_by':'date:hour'}" help="Hour of order date"/>
and in server\openerp\modules.py in _read_group_process_groupby() method I added two lines:
def _read_group_process_groupby(self, gb, query, context):
split = gb.split(':')
field_type = self._fields[split[0]].type
gb_function = split[1] if len(split) == 2 else None
temporal = field_type in ('date', 'datetime')
tz_convert = field_type == 'datetime' and context.get('tz') in pytz.all_timezones
qualified_field = self._inherits_join_calc(self._table, split[0], query)
if temporal:
display_formats = {
'hour': 'HH:mm dd MMM yyyy', ###### added by me
'day': 'dd MMM yyyy',
'week': "'W'w YYYY",
'month': 'MMMM yyyy',
'quarter': 'QQQ yyyy',
'year': 'yyyy',
time_intervals = {
'hour': dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta(hours=1), ###### added by me
'day': dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta(days=1),
'week': datetime.timedelta(days=7),
'month': dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta(months=1),
'quarter': dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta(months=3),
'year': dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta(years=1)
if tz_convert:
qualified_field = "timezone('%s', timezone('UTC',%s))" % (context.get('tz', 'UTC'),
qualified_field = "date_trunc('%s', %s)" % (gb_function or 'month', qualified_field)
if field_type == 'boolean':
qualified_field = "coalesce(%s,false)" % qualified_field
return {
'field': split[0],
'groupby': gb,
'type': field_type,
'display_format': display_formats[gb_function or 'month'] if temporal else None,
'interval': time_intervals[gb_function or 'month'] if temporal else None,
'tz_convert': tz_convert,
'qualified_field': qualified_field
the whole traceback is the following:
In models.py (with path: server/openerp) in _read_group_format_result method
need to be changed to