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adding sheet name when importing multiple sheets using importrange

I am importing multiple sheets into one using importrange and query function. Each sheet belongs to a different person. Is it possible to show which person the imported row belongs to?

I have:

=QUERY({importrange({""},"Original!A4:V");importrange("","Original!A4:V")},"SELECT Col2,Col5,Col4,Col7,Col9,Col12 Where Col8='AU'")

This is importing data from Bob and Steve. I would like to have the row (first column maybe) to say whether the row is being imported from Bob or Steve. Is this possible?


  • without scripts it could be only hardcoded like this:

     {IMPORTRANGE("abc", "Original!A4:V"), IMPORTRANGE("abc", "Original!Z4:Z")&"Bob"}; 
     {IMPORTRANGE("xyz", "Original!A4:V"), IMPORTRANGE("xyz", "Original!Z4:Z")&"Steve"}},
     "select Col2,Col5,Col4,Col7,Col9,Col12,Col19
      where Col8='AU'"))

    where Z4:Z range is an empty column