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How to update a jitclass variable with its string name by passing a setter function to the jitclass itself?

I'm seeking a way to modify a jitclass variable with its name as a string. I tried to write a setter and getter function (get_A and set_A), and I got the method outside the jitclass. I would like then to pass that method to a jitclass method to update the value of the variable. However I get and error saying:

numba.errors.TypingError: Failed in nopython mode pipeline (step: nopython frontend)
non-precise type pyobject
[1] During: typing of argument at <string> (3)

File "<string>", line 3:
<source missing, REPL/exec in use?>

This error may have been caused by the following argument(s):
- argument 1: cannot determine Numba type of <class 'tuple'>

Here the minimal example:

from numba import float64
from numba.experimental import jitclass

spec = [('A', float64), ('B', float64), ('C', float64)]

class maClass:
    def __init__(self):
        self.A = 0

    def get_A(self):
        return self.A

    def set_A(self, x):
        self.A = x

    def update(self, func, val):

C1 = maClass()
print('A', C1.A)

Names= ['A']
vals= [1.]

func = getattr(C1, 'set_' + Names[0])

C1.update(func, vals[0])
print('A', C1.A)


  • Here is a solution I came up with. I first wrote a function that return a list of the variable names I can update

    def get_Variable_Names():
        return ['A','B','C']

    then, in the jitclass, I wrote a function that can update variable according to an index based on the order of get_Variable_Names.

    def update_val(self, i, var):
        if i == 0:
            self.A = var
        elif i == 1:
            self.B = var
        elif i == 2:
            self.C = var

    To use this function, I search for the index of a variable name in the list returned by get_Variable_Names and then call the update_val function of the jitclass.

    listnames = get_Variable_Names()
    val = 1.
    name = 'A'
    index = listnames.index(name)

    here's all the code.

    from numba import jitclass, int32, float64

    def get_Variable_Names():
        return ['A','B','C']
    spec = [('A' ,float64),('B' ,float64),('C' ,float64)]
    class maClass():
        def __init__(self,):
            self.A = 0.
            self.B = 0.
            self.C = 0.
        def update_val(self, i, var):
            if i == 0:
                self.A = var
            elif i == 1:
                self.B = var
            elif i == 2:
                self.C = var
    C1 = maClass()
    listnames = get_Variable_Names()
    val = 1.
    name = 'A'
    index = listnames.index(name)
    val = 2.
    name = 'B'
    index = listnames.index(name)
    val = 3.
    name = 'C'
    index = listnames.index(name)

    It is not was I was looking for, but it is find for now.

    I'm still waiting for something better.

    I even wrote a script to write the if else update_val function, because It can be tedious when we have a large amount of variables to modify

    listnames= ['A','B','C']
    for i, n in enumerate(listnames):
        if i == 0:
            print('if i == ' + str(i)+ ' :\n\tself.' + n + ' = var')
            print('elif i == ' + str(i) + ' :\n\tself.' + n + ' = var')