so i have this code which is basically a count down timer, my problem is that i want it to stop when it reaches 00:00:00.
currently when the code reaches 00:00:00, the seconds starts to count again from 00:00:59, so i hope if there is any one who can help me.
public class CountDownTimer : MonoBehaviour
public Text timerText;
public float secondsCount;
public int minuteCount;
public int hourCount;
void Update()
//call this on update
public void UpdateTimerUI()
//set timer UI
if(secondsCount > 0)
secondsCount -= Time.deltaTime;
timerText.text = hourCount + "h:" + minuteCount + "m:" + (int)secondsCount + "s";
if (secondsCount <= 0)
if(minuteCount > 0)
//if(minuteCount!= 0)
secondsCount = 60;
else if (minuteCount <= 0)
if(hourCount > 0)
if(hourCount != 0)
minuteCount = 60;
if (secondsCount <= 0 && minuteCount <= 0 && hourCount <= 0)
This is the part that is resetting your timer.
if (secondsCount <= 0)
if(minuteCount > 0)
//if(minuteCount!= 0)
secondsCount = 60;
If you want your timer to clamp at 0 just say
if(secondsCount <=){
secondsCount = 0;
If you dont want it to start over you can just remove the line
secondsCount = 60;
or you could add a bool that records the state of your clock.
bool timeIsOver = false;
and then trigger it when the seconds are up.
if(timeIsOver == false){
secondsCount -= Time.deltaTime;
if(secondsCount <= 0 ){
timeIsOver = true;