Given tuple like below,
tpl = ('abc', {'a': 1, 'b': 2})
need to create a list out of this preferably through comprehension if possible.
Expected output
['abc', 'a: 1', 'b: 2']
Tuple can be converted to a list by calling list(tpl)
The part where the dict key:val
is converted to key
+ " : "
+ val
can be done by something like below
[k + " : " + v for k, v in dict.items()]
I think the part of selectively calling the above manipulation be done by checking the type (only for dict) - need some help to get to the complete solution.
Also as a separate problem, is there a way to do this inplace ?
A solution using list-comprehension.
tpl = ('abc', {'a': 1, 'b': 2})
answer = [
x for dict_or_str in tpl for x in
[f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in dict_or_str.items()]
if isinstance(dict_or_str, dict)
else [dict_or_str]
['abc', 'a: 1', 'b: 2']