Is there a possibility to take the source code of the "New Work Item" dashboard widget and extend/adapt it to its' own needs? I would not want to re-develop it from scratch.
Thank you, Daniel
Is there a possibility to take the source code of the "New Work Item" dashboard widget and extend/adapt it to its' own needs?
Sorry but what you want is not supported.
For now only the pipeline tasks are open-source in github/microsoft/azure-pipelines-tasks. And as I know the New Work Item
widget is not open-source, so it's impossible to take the source code online. I'm afraid you have to develop it on your own. Related document see Add a dashboard widget.
And if you do want the source code of the microsoft dashboards widgets to be open-source. You can suggest a feature request here in our User Voice forum and share the link here. Members who interested in it would vote for you. Hope all above helps :)