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How to place a tooltip for the react-bootstrap tab component

I have three tabs , I need to place a tool tip on hover on those tabs,I am using bootstrap tabs.(Its a react application.)

import { Tabs,Tab} from "react-bootstrap";
// inside return
        <Tab eventKey="managed" title="Managed" Tooltip="hello"/>
        <Tab eventKey="unmanaged" title="Unmanaged"/>
        <Tab eventKey="source" title="Source"/>

I need a tool tip appear whenever the Mouse pointer is placed on the Tab Header, for example I need a tooltip when the mouse pointer is on Managed tab . Here are the tabs enter image description here


  • you can use TabContainer along with OverlayTrigger to show a tooltip on top,

    const TooltipTopNavItem = ({title, tooltipMessage, eventKey}) => {
      return (
            <Tooltip id={`tooltip-top`}>
          <Nav.Link eventKey={eventKey}>{title}</Nav.Link>

    and use the above custom component in the TabContainer,

    <Tab.Container id="tabs-example" activeKey={key}>
        <Col sm={3}>
          <Nav variant="pills" className="flex-column">
            <TooltipTopNavItem title={'Managed'} tooltipMessage={'Managed tooltip'} eventKey={"managed"} />
            <TooltipTopNavItem title={'Unmanaged'} tooltipMessage={'Unmanaged tooltip'} eventKey={"unmanaged"} />
            <TooltipTopNavItem title={'Source'} tooltipMessage={'Source tooltip'} eventKey={"source"} />
        <Col sm={9}>
            <Tab.Pane eventKey="managed">
               In managed tab
            <Tab.Pane eventKey="unmanaged">
              In Unmanaged tab
            <Tab.Pane eventKey="source">
              In source tab

    this is just an example, you can modify the TabContainer and TooltipTopNavItem based on your use-case.