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C# Console app - How do I make an interactive menu?

I'm trying to make a menu that looks similar to:

> Thing
  Another Thing
  Yet Another Thing

Within a C# console app. I've looked all over but can't find a library/example code for this sort of menu.

Put simply, i want to...

  1. Display a menu
  2. Allow the user to make a selection using the arrow keys [UP/DOWN]
  3. Do different things when different options are selected [Enter]


  • Main thing is to be able to capture inputs. Console can only "simulate" an interactive menu by clearing the console window and re-rendering it again.

    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Threading;
    namespace ConsoleApp
        class Program
            public static List<Option> options;
            static void Main(string[] args)
                // Create options that you want your menu to have
                options = new List<Option>
                    new Option("Thing", () => WriteTemporaryMessage("Hi")),
                    new Option("Another Thing", () =>  WriteTemporaryMessage("How Are You")),
                    new Option("Yet Another Thing", () =>  WriteTemporaryMessage("Today")),
                    new Option("Exit", () => Environment.Exit(0)),
                // Set the default index of the selected item to be the first
                int index = 0;
                // Write the menu out
                WriteMenu(options, options[index]);
                // Store key info in here
                ConsoleKeyInfo keyinfo;
                    keyinfo = Console.ReadKey();
                    // Handle each key input (down arrow will write the menu again with a different selected item)
                    if (keyinfo.Key == ConsoleKey.DownArrow)
                        if (index + 1 < options.Count)
                            WriteMenu(options, options[index]);
                    if (keyinfo.Key == ConsoleKey.UpArrow)
                        if (index - 1 >= 0)
                            WriteMenu(options, options[index]);
                    // Handle different action for the option
                    if (keyinfo.Key == ConsoleKey.Enter)
                        index = 0;
                while (keyinfo.Key != ConsoleKey.X);
            // Default action of all the options. You can create more methods
            static void WriteTemporaryMessage(string message)
                WriteMenu(options, options.First());
            static void WriteMenu(List<Option> options, Option selectedOption)
                foreach (Option option in options)
                    if (option == selectedOption)
                        Console.Write("> ");
                        Console.Write(" ");
        public class Option
            public string Name { get; }
            public Action Selected { get; }
            public Option(string name, Action selected)
                Name = name;
                Selected = selected;