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SIM800l Httpaction. Can't get 0,200 or 0,200

I'm playing with HTTP GET and POST methods and I have problem. My problem is next one: Last week my GET method was work perfect and then suddenly stop working. Problem occur because MCU can't got response in this format: 0,200,xxx. Code is identical 100%. MCU always got this response: 0,603 (DNS error). Next commands and responses I send/receive to/from SIM800l:

Signal strength | at command: AT+CSQ | response +CSQ: 20,0

Full functionality | at command: AT+CFUN=1 | response OK

If bearer is open send | at command: AT+SAPBR=0,1 | response OK

Otherwise do nothing

Set bearer for gprs | at command: AT+SAPBR=3,1,"CONTYPE","GPRS" | response OK

Set APN | at command: AT+SAPBR=3,1,"APN","internet" | response OK

Set USERNAME | at command: AT+SAPBR=3,1,"USER","telenor" | response OK

Set PASSWORD | at command: AT+SAPBR=3,1,"PWD","gprs" | response OK

Is bearer opened | at command: AT+SAPBR=2,1 | response +SAPBR: 1,3,""

Open bearer | at command: AT+SAPBR=1,1 | response OK

Init http | at command: AT+HTTPINIT | response OK

Enable SSL | at command: AT+HTTPSSL=1 | response OK

Set profile identifier | at command: AT+HTTPPARA="CID",1 | response OK

Set url | at command: AT+HTTPPARA="URL","" | response OK

Set GET action | at command: AT+HTTPACTION=0 | response 0,603,0

When I got this response I send again same at command, and result is same (sometimes response from SIM800l is 0,604,0). I use laboratory psu ( which is stable and enough for SIM800l).

Stiil I can send SMS, read all messages,.. without problem. What can be problem?


  • I find solution for problem, mainly sim800l need firmware upgrade.

    Follow steps:

    1. Download SIM800_Series_download_Tools_Customer_v1.19.rar(for win) and driver MTK_USB_DRIVER.rar
    2. Look what firmware is currently on sim800 with AT+CGMR, my firmware was 1418B02SIM800L24. Here B02 is interested for us.
    3. sim800l have 2 different hardware models L16 and L24. If your firmware version have L16 on the end of firmware mark download new firmware from Otherwise (L24) download new firmware from I know that is French blog but only there I find firmware for sim800l model L24. After uploading new firmware and calling AT+CGMR you will get 1418B05SIM800L24. So now firmware version is B05 and you can send(get) messages to the web-sites without problem.

    Don't forget that this module is 2G and receiving characters from modern https web-site will take some time (a few tenths of a second).