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Simplifying and improving the unit tests of data type mappers

I have written type mappers using Mapstruct to fulfill some common tasks when mapping between entities and DTOs such as renaming properties, "cherry-picking" them by moving them out of a nested structure up to the root level etc. The initial PoC implementation looks as follows:

    componentModel = "spring",
    injectionStrategy = InjectionStrategy.CONSTRUCTOR,
    uses = {DocumentationMapper.class},
    imports = {Kind.class})
public interface ConnectorMapper {
  @Mapping(source = "metadata.extendedProperties", target = "metadata.additionalProperties")
  @Mapping(source = "metadata.documentation", target = "documentation")
  @Mapping(source = "", target = "name")
  @Mapping(source = "spec", target = "connectorSpecYaml")
  ConnectorDto fromEntity(final ConnectorYaml connectorYaml);

  @Mapping(target = "kind", expression = "java(Kind.Connector)")
  ConnectorYaml fromDto(final ConnectorDto connectorDto);

This mapper basically does the following:

  1. Rename the nested property metadata.extendedProperties to metadata.additionalProperties and vice-versa.
  2. Cherry-pick the nested metadata.documentation property for the DTO and apply mapping rules defined in DocumentationMapper (via the uses clause) and vice-versa.
  3. Cherry-pick the nested property for the DTO and vice-versa.
  4. Rename the spec property to connectorSpecYaml and vice-versa.

In order to unit test this behavior I had to write some crazy assertions that are barely readable anymore:

public void connectorMapperFromEntity() {
  // GIVEN a connector entity with fixed values
  final var connector = FixtureBuilder.createConnectorYaml("connector");

  // WHEN mapping the entity to a DTO
  final var connectorDto = connectorMapper.fromEntity(connector);

  // THEN the mapping yields a result
  // AND the name has been cherry-picked from metadata into the target
  // AND the metadata has been mapped correctly
      .isEqualToIgnoringGivenFields(connector.getMetadata(), "additionalProperties");
  // AND the extended properties in metadata have been renamed correctly
  // AND the documentation has been cherry-picked into the target
          connector.getMetadata().getDocumentation(), "additionalProperties");
  // AND the extended properties in documentation have been renamed correctly
  // AND the spec has been mapped correctly

The other direction is equally rough to read due to manually building the DTO from the fixture data:

public void connectorMapperFromDto() {
  final var fixture = FixtureBuilder.createConnectorYaml("connector");
  final var connectorDto =
  final var connector = connectorMapper.fromDto(connectorDto);

At this point I was curious whether there are other approaches to simplify testing the mappers that arent performing simple renaming operations. I was thinking of some way to hardcode the input and expected output objects in JSON rather than building and comparing them manually. Is this a feasible approach or is there something that might be more suitable?


  • I ended up storing JSON files containing snapshots in the resources folder that I load during test execution and deserialize using Jackson.