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Using DBup with octopus deploy error, (System.Data.SqlClient is not supported on this platform.)

I'm using .net core 2.1 project with DBUP library, but when I try to run the DBUP inside octopus deploy the migration tool is returning an error System.Data.SqlClient is not supported on this platform.

I followed all these steps from an Octopus Documentations

Already did this steps to fix the problem but without success:

  • net core SDK 2.1, 2.2 installations on the target server
  • Restart the server
  • New release with System.Data.SqlClient nuget package associated with the DBUP Project

Not sure what I can do more to fix this issue

System.Data.SqlClient is not supported


  • Found the problem, DBUP project needs to be published isolated from other projects.

    My bad was, trying to run/use dbupproject.dll file as a reference from other projects.