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How to find the chart version of subcharts from a released helm chart?

I have installed a helm chart with subcharts and I want to find out which version of the subchart is installed. Is there any possible way in helm 3?


  • Following official Helm documentation:

    You can get the version of a subchart used by a chart by following below example:

    • Download the chart with $ helm pull repo/name --untar
    • Go inside the chart directory
    • Invoke command: $ helm dependency list

    You can get a message that there are no dependencies:

    WARNING: no dependencies at gce-ingress/charts

    You can also get a message with dependencies and their versions:

    NAME                VERSION REPOSITORY                                        STATUS
    kube-state-metrics  2.7.*  unpacked

    Additionally you can check the content of the prometheus/charts/kube-state-metrics/Chart.yaml for additional information.

    Please let me know if that helped you.