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Is it possible to configure the IRB prompt to change dynamically?

I'd like to navigate around the filesystem in IRB and have the prompt change to reflect the current working directory, but I can't figure out how to make the prompt update after each command. Ultimately I'd like to use IRB in day to day work a lot more and let bash slip away. I tried this in my .irbrc:

require 'fileutils'
include FileUtils

IRB.conf[:PROMPT][:CUSTOM] = {
    :PROMPT_N => "\e[1m:\e[m ",
    :PROMPT_I => "\e[1m#{pwd} >\e[m ",
    :PROMPT_S => "FOO",
    :PROMPT_C => "\e[1m#{pwd} >\e[m ",
    :RETURN => ""

But the IRB prompt is not updated:

julianmann@mango:~ > irb
/users/julianmann > puts pwd
/users/julianmann > cd 'dev'
/users/julianmann > puts pwd
/users/julianmann > 

I'd really like the prompt to change.


  • Here's a quick hack to get the working dir. It's sort of fragile, but it worked on ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9.2.

    Set your prompt string to something like this:

    "%N(%m):%03n:%i %~> ".tap {|s| def s.dup; gsub('%~', Dir.pwd); end }

    The "%~" directive is not understood by irb itself, so I used it to do the replacement. This hack relies on the fact that irb calls dup to generate the prompt.