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Flink StreamingFileSink RowFormatBuilder withBucketAssigner returns Any?

Why does this configuration result in Any type? I can't call .build()! My flink version is 1.10.0 and scala version is 2.11 Link to screenshot

    val sink = StreamingFileSink
      .forRowFormat(new Path("s3a://123"), csvEncoder)
          .withMaxPartSize(128 * 1024 * 1024)
        new BucketAssigner[UserEvent, String] {
          override def getBucketId(element: UserEvent, context: BucketAssigner.Context): String =
          override def getSerializer: SimpleVersionedSerializer[String] = new SimpleVersionedStringSerializer
      ) // this returns Any!!!
      .build() // can't call .build()


  • The problem is the type inference of Scala in combination with the self-type idiom used by the StreamingFileSink builders.

    As a quick fix you could insert a cast:

    val sink = StreamingFileSink
      .forRowFormat(new Path("s3a://123"), csvEncoder)
          .withMaxPartSize(128 * 1024 * 1024)
        new BucketAssigner[UserEvent, String] {
          override def getBucketId(element: UserEvent, context: BucketAssigner.Context): String =
          override def getSerializer: SimpleVersionedSerializer[String] = new SimpleVersionedStringSerializer
      ).asInstanceOf[StreamingFileSink.RowFormatBuilder[UserEvent, String, _]]

    The proper fix requires changes to Flink. You can track FLINK-16684 to get notified when the problem is properly fixed.


    The problem has been fixed with Flink 1.10.1 and 1.11.0.