We use Autodesk forge viewer with React js. We open model with path of saved svf.
I want to add AEC.LevelsExtension and AEC.MinimapExtension. It works correctly when i get Aec modelData with models urn, but i need to get it with svf path. Who can help me to find a solution how can i do it?
I open the model with this code
const Autodesk = window.Autodesk;
const options = {env: 'Local'};
const config3d = {
extensions: ["Autodesk.AEC.LevelsExtension"],
const url = window.location.search;
const init_div = document.getElementById('init_div');
const viewer = new Autodesk.Viewing.Private.GuiViewer3D(init_div, config3d);
const svf_path = `/${url.replace('?', 'storage/').rece(/%20/g, ' ')}`;
Autodesk.Viewing.Initializer(options, () => {
viewer.start(svf_path, options);
Please check this blog here https://forge.autodesk.com/blog/consume-aec-data-svfs-your-own-server. It shows a clear walk path, please have a try:
Save the manifest of the model somewhere, and override the getItem function:
Autodesk.Viewing.endpoint.getItemApi=(endpoint, derivativeUrn, api)=>{ return 'Your svf folder url'+decodeURIComponent( derivativeUrn.split('Resource')[1]) }
Construct Document object yourself
const viewerDocument = new Autodesk.Viewing.Document(manifestJsonObject);
Call download AEC model data before loading model
Afterward, you can use the AEC related extensions as usual.