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Is it possible to reuse dynamic variable values without writing a pre-request script

I have a request that accepts json. Inside the body of the request I would like to use the same dynamic variable twice. So for example:

    "description": "{{$randomFirstName}}'s Home", 
    "first_name": "{{$randomFirstName}}",
    "first_name": "{{$randomLastName}}",
    "more_fields": "..."

However simply repeating the variable as above results in a different first name for the description and first_name fields when I would like the value to be the same.

How can I achieve this. I think it should be possible in the pre-request script though if there is someway to do the equivalent of

    "description": "{{firstName=$randomFirstName}}'s Home", 
    "first_name": "{{firstName}}",
    "first_name": "{{$randomLastName}}",
    "more_fields": "..."

without bothering with a pre-request script I might prefer that.


  • You can achieve this by using the .replaceIn() function and constructing the Request Body in the sandbox environment.

    Add this to the Pre-request Script of the POST request:

    let firstName = pm.variables.replaceIn("{{$randomFirstName}}")
    let requestBody = {
        "description": `${firstName}'s Home`, 
        "first_name": `${firstName}`,
        "last_name": "{{$randomLastName}}",
        "more_fields": "..."
    pm.variables.set("requestBody", JSON.stringify(requestBody)); 

    In the Request Body, add this variable without quotes:


    When you send the Request, it will resolve the variables and use the same first name.

    Here's an example using the Postman-echo service:

    enter image description here