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can't bind with server data in pusher.js

I am following this link to create a collaborative drawing application. i am able to run application but collaborative drawing is not happening. I have successfully created PUSHER_APP_ID, PUSHER_KEY, PUSHER_SECRET & placed in .env.

Collaborative drawing code -

  ngAfterViewInit() {
    const channel = this.pusher.init();
    console.log("ngAfterViewInit called :: line 142 : ", this.userId);
    channel.bind('draw', (data) => {
      console.log("line 144");
      if (data.userId !== this.userId) {
        console.log("line 146");
        data.line.forEach((position) => {
          console.log("line 148");
          this.draw(position.start, position.stop, this.guestStrokeStyle);

I can see different userid if i am hitting it in different browser. but it not going inside below loop.

channel.bind('draw', (data) => {

I can see logs from server.js code -'/draw', (req, res) => {
    console.log("draw :: in server :: ", req.body);
    pusher.trigger('painting', 'draw', req.body);

logs -

draw :: in server ::  { line:
   [ { start: [Object], stop: [Object] },
     { start: [Object], stop: [Object] },
     { start: [Object], stop: [Object] },
     { start: [Object], stop: [Object] },
     { start: [Object], stop: [Object] },
     { start: [Object], stop: [Object] },
     { start: [Object], stop: [Object] },
     { start: [Object], stop: [Object] },
     { start: [Object], stop: [Object] },
     { start: [Object], stop: [Object] },
     { start: [Object], stop: [Object] },
     { start: [Object], stop: [Object] },
     { start: [Object], stop: [Object] },
     { start: [Object], stop: [Object] },
     { start: [Object], stop: [Object] },
     { start: [Object], stop: [Object] },
     { start: [Object], stop: [Object] },
     { start: [Object], stop: [Object] },
     { start: [Object], stop: [Object] },
     { start: [Object], stop: [Object] },
     { start: [Object], stop: [Object] },
     { start: [Object], stop: [Object] },
     { start: [Object], stop: [Object] },
     { start: [Object], stop: [Object] },
     { start: [Object], stop: [Object] },
     { start: [Object], stop: [Object] },
     { start: [Object], stop: [Object] },
     { start: [Object], stop: [Object] },
     { start: [Object], stop: [Object] },
     { start: [Object], stop: [Object] },
     { start: [Object], stop: [Object] },
     { start: [Object], stop: [Object] },
     { start: [Object], stop: [Object] } ],
userId: 'ggfe565r-68ae-6cc6-878a-7g7j9d3b6b94' }

Could anyone please help/guide, if i am doing anywhere wrong or missing anything.


  • I solved this by changing cluster: 'eu' to cluster: 'ap2'.